Sunday, August 21, 2011


The weather is starting to get a little chilly and school is just around the corner, and while it makes me wish that summer could last forever it also reminds me of how lucky I am to be where I am and with who I am. 

One simple thing that brings me immense joy is my backyard and the abundance it produces.  My plants are going crazy, much like my flowers did earlier in the season.

pumpkins and zucchini

Thank you Obie for creating such a magical place!

a great daddy, and mighty handy with a shovel and some rocks!

And a couple more images that just make me smile.

Thank you White River for all the FREE adventure and refreshment you provide!!

And one last parting shot of JOY--

Ahhhh,  feeling easy breezy...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Summer has been fast, furious, and FUN!  There have been very few free evenings (hence the lack o' activity on this little project...) but a couple of pics (okay, a lot) might just explain why. 

Camping with our good buddy Chad (who happens to look quite a lot like Obie here)