Thursday, September 29, 2011

Family Circus

     So the routine is slowly but surely coming together as we organize 3 sleepy boys and a sleepy mama to get out the door in the morning to school.  Today Finley was especially excited to wake up and don his fav bow tie, and a little extra random layers in honor of "clown" day at preschool.  (It's the letter C's week in the spotlight...)

       Finley has told everyone that he has changed his name to Sam, (I'm pretty sure in honor of his BFF, below) and not to be confused with "my best friend, Sam", Little Sam, and Soccer Sam.  Guess he felt the need for a 'just plain Sam' in town.  Luckily (although the name Sam is great!) he has allowed me to call him by his second name, Finley.  The privileges of mama-hood.

Sam (AKA Best Friend Sam) 
Charlie (AKA Cole's sister, and Montey's bestie)

Montey (AKA, the only Montey we know....)

Monday, September 12, 2011

School Daze

     School has begun and it cracks me up to see how lovely the boys look on their first day every year.  I always tell them the first day is for mama, and the rest are for them.  So, consequently, day 2 was much less formal (formal= a clean shirt in our house...) 

    Although, Elijah did inform me that 4th grade requires a few more "fancy" shirts then 3rd grade did...)  They are growing like crazy, Elijah just looks like a young man to me, and Liam is finally the same height as most of his peers.  And little crazy Finley, LOVES preschool but he is definitely his own little person, and a supermodel it turns out.

4th Grade- Mrs. Foreback

2nd grade- Mrs. Hughes

Preschool- Miss Molly & Miss Amber

     Still looking for last year's pictures- as the 'green door traditional photo shoot' continues.  Would be fun to see the difference between years.  I'll keep looking...