Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boys of Summer

It begins again, and I love it!  Boys had their first games last night- Elijah in Craig with Dad (=no pictures), Liam in Rangely with Mom (=very few pictures).   From what I gather though, Elijah had a good game and felt good about his fielding- then he pitched a little and said it all went well despite the 14-4 loss.  So Happy Boy = Happy Mama (this is like a built in math lesson...)

Liam started at first base, then pitched a couple kids as well- and no one got hurt!  I think that's all you really hope for is that your pitching kid doesn't start beaning people.  So successful night all around- it was a good team to start the season with, the pitcher was just accurate and slow enough that it gave our kids a good intro to batting and made it fun.  They ended up winning 14-3.

And Finley got to enjoy the beautiful park near the field, a good buddy, and some dill pickle seeds- and some self-ies with Mom's phone.  So, despite Subway being closed in Rangely (the nerve!) we hit a very clean Kum & Go for some very crusty hot dogs after the game and Life Was Good.