Thursday, September 26, 2013

It's a Girl!

Hah- scared you didn't I?  Here's the latest addition to the Deming household...

Meet Irie,

She's grown quite a bit since these pics were taken- although she stills seems like a teeny weeny compared to the other fat pat we own.  So far, she's a cute potato, loves Spike, loves the kids, loves to chew on all things, listens gr......, well- look at her she's super cute!

I hadn't wanted to change the blog byline when Otis passed, and now it I don't have to.  Otis's memory lives on (in a small, girlish sort of way...)

Monday, July 8, 2013


And the trend of growing continues around here...

Finley has been waiting (6 years to be exact) for a birthday party of his very own.  We figured we could get away with him thinking the annual Meeker Fourth of July week long bash was in celebration of his birth as opposed to the freedom of our country until at least his teenage years- sufficed it to say, he figured us out and some very last minute party planning went into effect.

Sunshine, a new park, some water, and friends galore made this little man king for a day.

turned out to be a "man's" party- shirts optional

A lot of invited friends, a lot of siblings of those friends, and then just a few kids that happened to be playing at the park and decided a little cake and games were in order made for a very fun day.  (I'm still sticking with the story though that the 4th fireworks were indeed his birthday finale)

6 so far has proven to be a rough adjustment in a man's life.  A lot of crying has accompianed this particular transition.  Bummed he's not a baby, and bummed he's not yet old enough to just do what his brothers are allowed to do has created a number of "worst day ever!"s.  There are things he is very capable of though and proud to show it.  And if memory serves me correctly (when its positive I like to think it does) Finley has been a pretty happy guy so far.  Very funny, very animated, and pretty darn smart too.  There have been many nights where the whole family just cracks up at him around the dinner table.  At six he's discovered what he likes: swimming, school, bike riding, fishing, friends, sleeping with mama and kicking her all night, music, minecraft, junk food and TV (ugh) - and things he would rather do without:  chores (instant broken legs occur), spaghetti (what?) and brushing his teeth.  Oh well, boys will be boys.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Time flies.   (but in this case I'm backtracking to May....)

This has been such an emotional week- despite my tough exterior (which could be due to sunscreen neglect...) it is no secret I am a booby-britches.  I cry in happy times, I cry in sad times, I cry when I laugh, I cry during season finales- bawl baby bawl.  And this week was full of milestones in which my littles became just a little bit bigger.  (see below as Liam turned 9)

During that same week though, Elijah had a milestone of his own.  The completion of Elementary School.  The completion of getting off the bus at the same spot with his brothers.  The completion of colorful lunchboxes, and colorful folders, and most importantly the completion of being in the same building as his mama.  (Oddly enough, that didn't seem to phase him)

We are so proud of this boy right here.
Elijah Mountain Deming, 11 (soon to be 6th grader!)

Middle School Girls?!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

9 is SOOO fine

Liam is a mover and a shaker.  It seems like I never really comment on Liam here in this forum (middle child syndrome), but its not because I don't love the little rat- its just that I can almost never catch him.  He is in constant motion.  So it's no surprise that him turning 9 snuck up on us.  Where did the time go?

His birthday always conicides with the end of the school year.  Last year his birthday actually was on the last day of school which can make planning a birthday party a little tricky.  Hence the creation of "Windy Cactus", an opportunity to take advantage of Memorial Day weekend with great friends and do a little birthday celebrating.  This year, we took full advantage of the holiday as did a wonderful group of our friends to partake in a little dirt, a little wind, and a very special little man.

Bacon and French Toast to start a man's day

After a hearty man's meal (carb-ing and syrup-ing up for some riding) we were off to Fruita.  Joined this year by the High-Ridges, the Browns, and new additions the Coryells and Halsteads.  

I have really pretty friends
Pizza of course, and biking to boot!

SOOOO dirty
Wheelie Wonker

Loving his peeps and his pizza

Spike's Camping Buddy
YO Bro

BMX Bandits

Happy Happy Day little man.  There are so many things we love about you- but mostly how even when you aren't willing to show it, we know for certain that you care deeply about us and all your friends.  You play, and fight, and work and love so fiercely.  Nine years of living every day with the biggest heart.  Know that we love you big too!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Boys of Summer

It begins again, and I love it!  Boys had their first games last night- Elijah in Craig with Dad (=no pictures), Liam in Rangely with Mom (=very few pictures).   From what I gather though, Elijah had a good game and felt good about his fielding- then he pitched a little and said it all went well despite the 14-4 loss.  So Happy Boy = Happy Mama (this is like a built in math lesson...)

Liam started at first base, then pitched a couple kids as well- and no one got hurt!  I think that's all you really hope for is that your pitching kid doesn't start beaning people.  So successful night all around- it was a good team to start the season with, the pitcher was just accurate and slow enough that it gave our kids a good intro to batting and made it fun.  They ended up winning 14-3.

And Finley got to enjoy the beautiful park near the field, a good buddy, and some dill pickle seeds- and some self-ies with Mom's phone.  So, despite Subway being closed in Rangely (the nerve!) we hit a very clean Kum & Go for some very crusty hot dogs after the game and Life Was Good.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


So, it's been a while.  The previous post still makes me sad, but as intended we move on (at an ever quickening pace it seems).  And when it comes down to it- Life is Good

Winter has flown by.  We skiied, we basketballed, and now we wrestle.  "We" are busy.

Another glorious day at SUNlight

3rd place and Sportsmanship Award

3rd place and Sportsmanship Award

(if only they could be more "sporting" with each other)