Monday, July 8, 2013


And the trend of growing continues around here...

Finley has been waiting (6 years to be exact) for a birthday party of his very own.  We figured we could get away with him thinking the annual Meeker Fourth of July week long bash was in celebration of his birth as opposed to the freedom of our country until at least his teenage years- sufficed it to say, he figured us out and some very last minute party planning went into effect.

Sunshine, a new park, some water, and friends galore made this little man king for a day.

turned out to be a "man's" party- shirts optional

A lot of invited friends, a lot of siblings of those friends, and then just a few kids that happened to be playing at the park and decided a little cake and games were in order made for a very fun day.  (I'm still sticking with the story though that the 4th fireworks were indeed his birthday finale)

6 so far has proven to be a rough adjustment in a man's life.  A lot of crying has accompianed this particular transition.  Bummed he's not a baby, and bummed he's not yet old enough to just do what his brothers are allowed to do has created a number of "worst day ever!"s.  There are things he is very capable of though and proud to show it.  And if memory serves me correctly (when its positive I like to think it does) Finley has been a pretty happy guy so far.  Very funny, very animated, and pretty darn smart too.  There have been many nights where the whole family just cracks up at him around the dinner table.  At six he's discovered what he likes: swimming, school, bike riding, fishing, friends, sleeping with mama and kicking her all night, music, minecraft, junk food and TV (ugh) - and things he would rather do without:  chores (instant broken legs occur), spaghetti (what?) and brushing his teeth.  Oh well, boys will be boys.

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